How CryoSpa Therapy Works
CryoSpa Spa low temperature hydrotherapy relies on four basic factors:
One of the best things about cold is that it does not override the beneficial effects of the body’s natural healing process.
The application of cold triggers three basic reactions.
Cellular Level
Firstly, at a cellular level, the metabolic response of the cells is reduced, so the cells need less oxygen to function and thereby suffer less hypoxic injury.
Secondly, the permeability of the blood vessel walls is decreased, thus reducing the amount of fluid that accumulates in the injured area.
Topical Analgesic
Thirdly, the cold numbs the area to a certain degree, acting as a topical analgesic.
Salt Concentration
The salt concentration of the water has a positive impact on the healing process.
Higher salt concentrations will draw away more of the fluids that accumulate around an injury.
Additionally, saltwater has been found to allow injuries to heal more quickly while inhibiting the risk of infection – salt being a natural sanitiser.
Aeration of the water has a two-fold effect: it increases the dissolved oxygen level of the water and the turbulence subjects the soft tissue to a massaging action.
It is thought that the increased oxygen level aids the healing process much as hyperbaric chambers do for humans, while the massage effect influences dispersal of fluids and ensures a more penetrating cold.
Depth of Water
The greater the depth of the water, the greater the physical pressure exerted on the tissues.
This aids the dispersal of accumulated fluids acting much like a compression garment.
The Winning Formula
Cryotherapy is an accelerated recovery method. We use state of the art technology, helping to reduce fatigue, aid recovery, lover risk of injury and improve overall performance

The dominant mechanism by which cold water immersion facilitates short term recovery is via ameliorating hyperthermia and consequently central nervous system mediated fatigue and by reducing cardiovascular strain.
While cold water immersion mediated parasympathetic reactivation seems detrimental to high-intensity exercise performance when performed shortly after, it is associated with improved longer-term physiological recovery and day to day training performances.
Cold water immersion demonstrates limited recovery benefits when exercise-induced muscle damage is induced by single-joint eccentrically biased contractions. In contrast, cold water immersion seems more effective after whole body prolonged endurance/intermittent based exercise modalities.
There is limited evidence to support that cold-water immersion might improve acute recovery by facilitating the removal of muscle metabolites.
Frequently Asked Questions
Browse common questions that may give you the answer. Have a question not here? Contact Us.
How can I benefit from CryoSpa ice bath use?
Cold water immersion or ice baths, help reduce tissue swelling due to muscle breakdown and micro tears that occur during intense or lengthy physical activity and, also, help to control inflammation.
Some inflammation is a good thing but too much can result in secondary damage or hypoxic injury.
The mechanisms include aiding normalisation of body temperature, flushing out muscles through the combination of hydrostatic pressure and cold induced blood vessel constriction, a decrease in metabolic activity, balancing of the sympathetic & parasympathethic systems and a reduction in muscle damage.
How can I generate revenue from a CryoSpa?
CET have many clients charging sporting & non-sporting members of the public for CryoSpa therapy on a pay-per-use basis.
These clients are typically sports therapy & physical therapy clinics, health clubs, gyms, recovery & wellness facilities and hotels.
A single CET CryoSpa unit can generate over £40,000 / $50,000 / €45,000 per annum while improving athlete outcomes and growing your existing business.
What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is the application of cold to produce a cold induced therapeutic effect.
Any temperature below the temperature of the skin, typically around 30°C / 86°F, can be considered to be cryotherapy though temperatures above 15° or 20°C / 60°F or 70°F will only have a mild effect.
Low temperature hydrotherapy is typically between 5°C / 40°F and 12°C / 55°F
Air temperatures can go as low -150°C / -200°F as air has a very low thermal conductivity (air is an insulator) but at these extreme temperatures cooling is solely by conduction to avoid severe frostbite.
Is CryoSpa therapy medically approved?
Sports recovery i.e. post-exercise recovery is a non-medical application for CryoSpa therapy.
However, treatment of soft tissue injuries such as tendon & ligament sprains is considered to be medical use.
In the USA, the FDA, which approves devices & medicines for medical use, have exempted hydrotherapy, such as CryoSpa therapy, from Medical Device Approval requirements due to the low risk to patients and the non-invasive nature of the therapy. Consequently, CryoSpa therapy is available for medical use throughout the USA.
In other countries that adopt FDA guidelines this rule will also apply.
In the EU hydrotherapy is not exempt from medical device approval so a manufacturer cannot make medical claims for such devices.